Clean Mobility in Schools (CMIS)

•California Air Resources Board (CARB) and Twin Rivers Unified School District (TRUSD)

• 2023–2025
• 3-year project

Project Highlights
• Project Management and Coordination
• Outreach and Engagement
• Reporting

Twin Rivers Unified School District received a Clean Mobility in Schools Grant from CARB to help the district realize impactful air quality improvements toward its goal of clean mobility, develop a functional zero-emission transportation system, facilitate GHG emissions reductions District-wide, provide opportunities for education and community engagement, and support communities through public health, environmental, and economic improvement. This comprehensive program supports one of the leading EV Bus Fleet operations in the US.

The project, underway since 2023, includes the acquisition of EV buses and service vehicles, and battery-powered groundskeeping equipment, the installation of 231 kW of rooftop and canopy solar PV at two District locations, and the installation of an additional 40 Level 2 and Level 3 EV charging stations at the District’s transportation center.  In addition, the effort includes comprehensive workforce development and curriculum programming, community, regional, and statewide outreach and education, and district staff training.

Prospect Silicon Valley provides project management and team coordination supporting the District, and collaborates with project partners, including Climatec, InCharge, SMUD, BYD, Fairway-Tropos, Hilmar Rental, Enterprise, Aura Planning, and FordPro. ProspectSV also coordinates an outreach team composed of educational, nonprofit, and community partners, which includes CAPS, BreatheCA, and the Sacramento Clean Cities Coalition.