Sustainable Purchasing Policy Development Series: Developing Procurement Policies for Energy Savings
December 15, 2020
This policy development webinar was delivered to key staff at California Community Colleges as part of the Empower program’s consulting initiative. We provided insights into six essential components to include in a sustainable purchasing policy to maximize energy savings.
Sustainable Purchasing Policy Development Series: Capturing Energy Saving Opportunities in Procurement Policies
March 3, 2021
The second installment in the Policy Development Webinar Series delivered to California Community College staff delved into how sustainable procurement policy can enhance energy savings in existing procurement processes across an organization.
Sustainable Purchasing Policy Development Series: The Purchasing Perspective
April 29, 2021
The third webinar in the Policy Development Webinar Series reviews the impact sustainable purchasing can have at California Community Colleges (CCCs) and what purchasing officers can do to help move these initiatives forward at their own college.