Equitable Mobility

Advisor Resources
Case Studies: City Public & Curbside EV Charging Strategies
Center for Law, Energy, & the Environment
This policy brief provides insights from domestic and international cities that are leading efforts to bring EV charging infrastructure to the curbside and PROW. The report, developed as part of CLEE’s EV Equity Initiative, highlights key challenges to the expansion of publicly accessible EV charging and offers recommendations to guide local leaders in ensuring equity and effectiveness in program design.
Comparing the Cost of Owning the Most Popular Vehicles in the United States
Atlas Public Policy
Comparison between five of the most popular gasoline powered models in the country and an EV equivalent for purchase. By Nick Nigro & Dan Wilkins
Driving Equity
UC Berkeley Center for Law, Energy & the Environment
Policy Solutions to Accelerate Electric Vehicle Adoption in Lower-Income Communities
Funding San Francisco Climate Action
UC Berkeley Center for Law, Energy & the Environment
Strategies for Revenue, Implementation, and Equity
San Francisco’s Electric Vehicle Ready Community Blueprint
The Department of the Environment City and County of San Francisco
A strategic implementation plan to turn the City’s ambitious vision of 100% greenhouse gas-free transportation in San Francisco by 2040 into reality.
Electric Vehicle Roadmap for San Francisco
The Mayor’s Electric Vehicle Working Group (EVWG) Electric Mobility Subcommittee
The EV Roadmap puts forward an accelerated path toward electrification of all forms of private transportation and proposes a bold vision for the future: Make all transportation in San Francisco emission-free by 2040.
Survey Says: Considerable interest in electric vehicles across racial, ethnic demographics
Smarter policies can help overcome barriers
Unlocking Transportation Electrification in South LA
ILLUME Advising
A story about KIGT - a LA-based, Black, and independently owned EVSE company
Capital Absorption Framework
Center for Community Investment
Articulating shared priorities, creating & executing an investable pipeline of projects, and improving the enabling environment
How to Amp Up Transportation Transformation
Electrification Coalition
A guidebook for funding and financing electrification.
Assessing progress and equity in the distribution of electric vehicle rebates using appropriate comparisons
Center for Sustainable Energy (CSE)
To support needed expansion in sales and equity, this research examined the characteristics of California consumers that claimed the statewide rebate for EVs purchased/leased in 2017–2020.